Here's a tip to build the resilience of the total body of Danny Ching , the world champion Stand - Up Paddleboarding ( SUP ) .
The key is speed and endurance . SUP surfing may look like a more benign cousins -kerap carried on the surface of calm waters , and as the name suggests , use the paddle as a means penggerak- but the fact quite the opposite . " Stand -up paddleboarding is a total -body exercise endurance , " said world champion Danny Ching . In the race SUP main classes , Ching rowing at full power for more than an hour before switching gears to six for the final sprint . " Some men just do the sprint for 30 seconds before the finish line , " he said . " I practice to be able to do it for a full minute . "
To build endurance, Ching did two approaches during practice. Five or six days a week, he paddled for more than two hours to improve upper body strength, total-body balance, and stamina. Ching also lift weights and cross-training with cycling, canoeing, and surf ski for packing more muscle and boost athletic performance. "Many athletes SUP talent like me," said Ching. "But few of those who train as hard as I do."
Do not hesitate to twist your body. As with other types of sports, eliminate leakage of energy is an important thing to be aware of SUP athletes to build success. One component of that is practiced by moving in different directions to build strength and balance of true. "Make a rotational exercises," said Ching. One of her favorites is the cable chop motion exercises: Attach the strap-shaped handle to a high pulley on the cable station and stood by the left side of the body are nearby. Grasp the handles with both hands, rotate the torso when you bring the strap passes right hip. Perform 10 reps, change the side of the body are trained, and repeat a series of movements. Perform 3 sets of 1-2 times a week.
Practicing with different intensities. True resilience is not about building power with one speed. But about fixing muscles and cardiovascular system to work efficiently in all situations - slow, medium, and fast. To build stamina dynamic as it is, Ching involves running intervals and distances in the draft cardio practice and improvise with different intensity of exercise in the gym. Follow the guide: On Monday, do 5 reps each set for each of the exercises you are doing; on Wednesday, 10 reps each set; and Friday, 15 reps each set. At each session, use the load that challenges you to complete all the reps. Such as exercise program 'choppy' that can help you build strength rather than design exercise that relies on the same reps and sets, referring to a study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. The days with high reps will also increase improve endurance capacity anaerobic (muscle) you.
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Sabtu, 02 Juli 2016
It's time to start preparing for the 2015 Urbanathlon challenges that will test the durability, mobility, and ketangguan you. Put some extra practice this in your exercise program.
Challenges 1. Participants must be able to prove yourself that you maintain agility and balance while exerting maximal aerobic ability.
Your workout: Perform 1 set for each movement. Then rest 30 seconds. Repeat once until you have completed two sets for each exercise movement.
1. JUMPING CHINUP. Stand under the crossbar chinup. Then in one motion controlled did leap upward, handheld bar technique underhand grip, and pull it toward your chest toward chinup crossbar. Momentum leap will help you pull your body upward. Do 2 reps.
2. REVERSE Burpee. From a standing position, doing squats, then lean your upper body forward, and immediately take a pushup position. After that lower the chest toward the floor, and the flowing movements of your body push up explosively to back upright. Perform 10 reps.
Challenge 2. These obstacles -jump water barrier, crawling under the spider net, and swinging limb to pass bars- monkey may look fun. But, you can also see it as a picture of a classic exercise in the military physical education -which heavy, exhausting, and requires endurance. If you want to get away, the exercise movements below you can calculate.
Your workout: Perform 1 set for each movement. Then go back to your workout.
1.WALKING LUNGE. Start with hands on head. Keep the torso remains upright, stepping forward with the left foot, and lower your body until your left knee is flexed 90 °. Push your left heel down and stepped forward to stand upright. Repeat the movement for the right foot. Continue up to a distance of 50 meters.
2. Spiderman pushup. Take a standard pushup position, your body forms a straight line from head to ankle. When lowering the body to the floor, lift your right foot, and swing to the right-outside while trying to touch your right elbow to your right knee. Return to the starting position, the same action for the left leg. Perform 5-6 reps on each leg.
3. Running uphill challenge in the pedestrian bridge Busway Bus, challenge the emergency stairs, until the Wall of Urbanathlon as high as 2.4 meters are obstacles that must be conquered.
Your workout: Perform one set of each exercise movement. Then rest 60 seconds. If you have already completed two rounds, back to your sprint.
1.STEPUP. Stand facing a park bench or a sturdy object of your knee. Place your left foot on it, and can keep your hands behind your head. Push your heels on the bench as you raise your body until your left foot to the bench lurus.Turunkan back foot down. It counted one repetition. Do 20 reps on the left foot, then on the right foot.
2. BULGARIAN SPLIT squats. Standing at a distance of two feet in front of a park bench. Bend your right leg and place it back right leg on a park bench. You can position your hands behind your head. This is the starting position. Keep your torso straight, bend your left leg, and lower the body until your left leg flexed 90 °. Push up to return to the starting position. Do 20 reps, switch your foot position that is above a park bench, and repeat a series of movements.
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It's time to start preparing for the 2015 Urbanathlon challenges that will test the durability, mobility, and ketangguan you. Put some extra practice this in your exercise program.
Challenges 1. Participants must be able to prove yourself that you maintain agility and balance while exerting maximal aerobic ability.
Your workout: Perform 1 set for each movement. Then rest 30 seconds. Repeat once until you have completed two sets for each exercise movement.
1. JUMPING CHINUP. Stand under the crossbar chinup. Then in one motion controlled did leap upward, handheld bar technique underhand grip, and pull it toward your chest toward chinup crossbar. Momentum leap will help you pull your body upward. Do 2 reps.
2. REVERSE Burpee. From a standing position, doing squats, then lean your upper body forward, and immediately take a pushup position. After that lower the chest toward the floor, and the flowing movements of your body push up explosively to back upright. Perform 10 reps.
Challenge 2. These obstacles -jump water barrier, crawling under the spider net, and swinging limb to pass bars- monkey may look fun. But, you can also see it as a picture of a classic exercise in the military physical education -which heavy, exhausting, and requires endurance. If you want to get away, the exercise movements below you can calculate.
Your workout: Perform 1 set for each movement. Then go back to your workout.
1.WALKING LUNGE. Start with hands on head. Keep the torso remains upright, stepping forward with the left foot, and lower your body until your left knee is flexed 90 °. Push your left heel down and stepped forward to stand upright. Repeat the movement for the right foot. Continue up to a distance of 50 meters.
2. Spiderman pushup. Take a standard pushup position, your body forms a straight line from head to ankle. When lowering the body to the floor, lift your right foot, and swing to the right-outside while trying to touch your right elbow to your right knee. Return to the starting position, the same action for the left leg. Perform 5-6 reps on each leg.
3. Running uphill challenge in the pedestrian bridge Busway Bus, challenge the emergency stairs, until the Wall of Urbanathlon as high as 2.4 meters are obstacles that must be conquered.
Your workout: Perform one set of each exercise movement. Then rest 60 seconds. If you have already completed two rounds, back to your sprint.
1.STEPUP. Stand facing a park bench or a sturdy object of your knee. Place your left foot on it, and can keep your hands behind your head. Push your heels on the bench as you raise your body until your left foot to the bench lurus.Turunkan back foot down. It counted one repetition. Do 20 reps on the left foot, then on the right foot.
2. BULGARIAN SPLIT squats. Standing at a distance of two feet in front of a park bench. Bend your right leg and place it back right leg on a park bench. You can position your hands behind your head. This is the starting position. Keep your torso straight, bend your left leg, and lower the body until your left leg flexed 90 °. Push up to return to the starting position. Do 20 reps, switch your foot position that is above a park bench, and repeat a series of movements.
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Indonesia has many mountains whose beauty is famous. Besides adrenaline of his trip, the stretch of the surrounding panorama usually provide tremendous appeal. For those of you who will embark on the adventure mountain climbing, read the first tip for novice climbers delivered by our colleague, Heng, a member of the Association of facer Rimba and Mountaineering Wanadri and pecintaalam.net page owner.
Learn the location. One important preparation before climbing the mountain is studying the terrain and the mountain location of your destination. "Every mountain has hiking paths are different," said Heng. At Mount Kerinci, for example, the majority of hiking trails there is sand and mud. At Mount Rinjani, you must have a steep uphill climb trajectory. You can learn the location of the ascent from various sources on the internet, a map, or ask the climbers who have tried. By knowing the field trip, you can prepare the logistics and stamina appropriately.
"Do not joke about mountain climbing," said Heng. It takes stamina fit and good physical condition for a traveler to reach its peak. There's a good idea to work out a few weeks before the day of climbing, such as jogging. Hiking uphill climb, cold air, and oxygen is depleted will be a formidable obstacle. Do exercise regularly and orderly. Do not forget to balance your rest time.
Proper equipment.
Common equipment carried by the climbers are backpack, hiking shoes, a jacket, a penknife, a raincoat, a portable cooking equipment, flashlight, whistle, compass, and drug paraphernalia P3K. "If you are camping in the mountains, do not forget to bring a mattress, tent, and sleeping bag," said Heng. Backpack should be adjusted to the duration of the trip. If a long trip, you can bring a backpack is 80 liters.
Consider Supplies.
Prepare enough food supplies, so you will not be short of food - or futile discard unused food. "Bring food such as rice, instant noodles, or corned beef could be your main meal menu," he said, suggesting. In addition, also prepare biscuits, chocolate and bread that will recharge while you walk up. And do not miss the water reserves, if at any time an emergency occurs.
List In the Post Licensing.
Typically, some of the mountain has a license that requires the climber to fill the data themselves and longer trips. "Do not ignore the place, because the officer was there that will help you," he said. Some of the popular mountain and requires pendakinya to make a clearance to climb is Mount Kerinci, Gunung Gede-Pangrango Mount Argopuro, and Mount Semeru. By enrolling in the post, then you already have a good faith in carrying out your browsing.
Gadget Keep Well.
Before going up the mountain, you'll want to turn off the phone and the camera and put it in plastic to protect from water seepage. It's function is to keep the cell phones keep warm and not wasteful batteries. Yes, the cold air in the mountains can make mobile phone battery quickly depleted. Before going up the mountain, let you know a parent or relative. It aims to enable them to help the rescue team or the local security forces, if you are lost or get lost in the ascent.
Pray and Polite.
Get used to pray first before you start climbing the mountain. "Ask for help and the help of the Lord to keep you during the trip," he said. During the hike, remind yourself and peers to continue to act decently. Seek one of your team to not be excessive or talking too rough. The principle that should be adhered to, Heng said, "Take nothing but picture, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time."
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Indonesia has many mountains whose beauty is famous. Besides adrenaline of his trip, the stretch of the surrounding panorama usually provide tremendous appeal. For those of you who will embark on the adventure mountain climbing, read the first tip for novice climbers delivered by our colleague, Heng, a member of the Association of facer Rimba and Mountaineering Wanadri and pecintaalam.net page owner.
Learn the location. One important preparation before climbing the mountain is studying the terrain and the mountain location of your destination. "Every mountain has hiking paths are different," said Heng. At Mount Kerinci, for example, the majority of hiking trails there is sand and mud. At Mount Rinjani, you must have a steep uphill climb trajectory. You can learn the location of the ascent from various sources on the internet, a map, or ask the climbers who have tried. By knowing the field trip, you can prepare the logistics and stamina appropriately.
"Do not joke about mountain climbing," said Heng. It takes stamina fit and good physical condition for a traveler to reach its peak. There's a good idea to work out a few weeks before the day of climbing, such as jogging. Hiking uphill climb, cold air, and oxygen is depleted will be a formidable obstacle. Do exercise regularly and orderly. Do not forget to balance your rest time.
Proper equipment.
Common equipment carried by the climbers are backpack, hiking shoes, a jacket, a penknife, a raincoat, a portable cooking equipment, flashlight, whistle, compass, and drug paraphernalia P3K. "If you are camping in the mountains, do not forget to bring a mattress, tent, and sleeping bag," said Heng. Backpack should be adjusted to the duration of the trip. If a long trip, you can bring a backpack is 80 liters.
Consider Supplies.
Prepare enough food supplies, so you will not be short of food - or futile discard unused food. "Bring food such as rice, instant noodles, or corned beef could be your main meal menu," he said, suggesting. In addition, also prepare biscuits, chocolate and bread that will recharge while you walk up. And do not miss the water reserves, if at any time an emergency occurs.
List In the Post Licensing.
Typically, some of the mountain has a license that requires the climber to fill the data themselves and longer trips. "Do not ignore the place, because the officer was there that will help you," he said. Some of the popular mountain and requires pendakinya to make a clearance to climb is Mount Kerinci, Gunung Gede-Pangrango Mount Argopuro, and Mount Semeru. By enrolling in the post, then you already have a good faith in carrying out your browsing.
Gadget Keep Well.
Before going up the mountain, you'll want to turn off the phone and the camera and put it in plastic to protect from water seepage. It's function is to keep the cell phones keep warm and not wasteful batteries. Yes, the cold air in the mountains can make mobile phone battery quickly depleted. Before going up the mountain, let you know a parent or relative. It aims to enable them to help the rescue team or the local security forces, if you are lost or get lost in the ascent.
Pray and Polite.
Get used to pray first before you start climbing the mountain. "Ask for help and the help of the Lord to keep you during the trip," he said. During the hike, remind yourself and peers to continue to act decently. Seek one of your team to not be excessive or talking too rough. The principle that should be adhered to, Heng said, "Take nothing but picture, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time."
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