Indonesia has many mountains whose beauty is famous. Besides adrenaline of his trip, the stretch of the surrounding panorama usually provide tremendous appeal. For those of you who will embark on the adventure mountain climbing, read the first tip for novice climbers delivered by our colleague, Heng, a member of the Association of facer Rimba and Mountaineering Wanadri and pecintaalam.net page owner.
Learn the location. One important preparation before climbing the mountain is studying the terrain and the mountain location of your destination. "Every mountain has hiking paths are different," said Heng. At Mount Kerinci, for example, the majority of hiking trails there is sand and mud. At Mount Rinjani, you must have a steep uphill climb trajectory. You can learn the location of the ascent from various sources on the internet, a map, or ask the climbers who have tried. By knowing the field trip, you can prepare the logistics and stamina appropriately.
"Do not joke about mountain climbing," said Heng. It takes stamina fit and good physical condition for a traveler to reach its peak. There's a good idea to work out a few weeks before the day of climbing, such as jogging. Hiking uphill climb, cold air, and oxygen is depleted will be a formidable obstacle. Do exercise regularly and orderly. Do not forget to balance your rest time.
Proper equipment.
Common equipment carried by the climbers are backpack, hiking shoes, a jacket, a penknife, a raincoat, a portable cooking equipment, flashlight, whistle, compass, and drug paraphernalia P3K. "If you are camping in the mountains, do not forget to bring a mattress, tent, and sleeping bag," said Heng. Backpack should be adjusted to the duration of the trip. If a long trip, you can bring a backpack is 80 liters.
Consider Supplies.
Prepare enough food supplies, so you will not be short of food - or futile discard unused food. "Bring food such as rice, instant noodles, or corned beef could be your main meal menu," he said, suggesting. In addition, also prepare biscuits, chocolate and bread that will recharge while you walk up. And do not miss the water reserves, if at any time an emergency occurs.
List In the Post Licensing.
Typically, some of the mountain has a license that requires the climber to fill the data themselves and longer trips. "Do not ignore the place, because the officer was there that will help you," he said. Some of the popular mountain and requires pendakinya to make a clearance to climb is Mount Kerinci, Gunung Gede-Pangrango Mount Argopuro, and Mount Semeru. By enrolling in the post, then you already have a good faith in carrying out your browsing.
Gadget Keep Well.
Before going up the mountain, you'll want to turn off the phone and the camera and put it in plastic to protect from water seepage. It's function is to keep the cell phones keep warm and not wasteful batteries. Yes, the cold air in the mountains can make mobile phone battery quickly depleted. Before going up the mountain, let you know a parent or relative. It aims to enable them to help the rescue team or the local security forces, if you are lost or get lost in the ascent.
Pray and Polite.
Get used to pray first before you start climbing the mountain. "Ask for help and the help of the Lord to keep you during the trip," he said. During the hike, remind yourself and peers to continue to act decently. Seek one of your team to not be excessive or talking too rough. The principle that should be adhered to, Heng said, "Take nothing but picture, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time."
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